The Best Dragon Age 2 Mods for Replaying and Enhancing Your Romance Scenes
If you don't know much about the DAO-Oren or Morrigan romance mods, DAO was an eorlinga thief who tried to romance Morrigan after you complete the game, but she doesn't end up accepting him until you're far enough into the game and has ended up with Kaidan in the end.
Dragon Age 2 Romance Mods
Fans were hoping that BioWare would elaborate the relationship between Morrigan and Kaidan, but the studio never did and it's something that drove a lot of players to create mods like this DAO-Oren romance mod to endear Morrigan with Kaidan.
bioware's dragon age: inquisition is a very, very fun and open game, but it still has its little bugs here and there. if you just want to have a bit more fun with the game, then you can download a set of dragon age 4 romance mods from the internet and install them using blue marble mod manager.
4. once you've done that, you can go to the romances menu and select your favorite romance. you then have the option to change the way your characters face looks. if you want to change the face of your companion you can do that too. it will then automatically change the face of your characters as well. it is not 100% perfect, but it's a good start.
now, if you are using a mod that adds romances to the game, you will have to have the romances in a separate folder from your main game folder. you can then play your game normally, and once you are done, you can go back to the romances menu and select your favorite romance. then you can change the faces of your characters and your companions.